Hello, friends! What was one, then two and after that, three, became two again. And in its dual expression of Nature! Two lives in cohesion, souls going to the core. "Down the staircase, I found gravity's warmth", says Maurício Businari, from HI-BRAZIL. "It is the kind of thing you discover when you start to dig deep the dry sands of a desert. You can find a skull, a scorpion or even a beautiful and rare flower. If you find the second, you have protein. The third one, connection with Nature and, the first one, a good snare".
Maurício says that this kind of experience is like "those moments when you are in the middle of a fucking nightmare and feels that you are alone, even surrounded by thousands of people, no one will see you or help you, because they can't listen to what you are saying. You just try to shake your arms and hands, scream at them, but their ears just can't receive the frequencies...That's why - maybe - the third vertice of the triangle supposed for an instance to be itself the point in the middle. So this geometric figure has been changed and first of all it assumed a form of a line between two points, but now it is proved to be a circle".
HI-BRAZIL is now going to re-set their clocks to the moon and is receiving showers of inspirational sonorous and pictorial artistic references. The Brazilian duo is now working on the second book of the saga The Song of the Spheres. "While most of turtles insist to keep their swollen bodies into their shells, a bunch of butterflies fly straight to the light of the sun...In their aerial march, they touch with gentleness the ionosphere around the cities.
What an harp have in common with the arid scenario of a desert? Thales, our young and courageous hero, is going to discover it. And you will, too, soon. "That's why we are working too in a videoclip for the second soundtrack album, that will be released later this year, altogether with the book", Explains André Luiz Salibi, beginning his speech and conducting this post to its end. "All stories are sectioned by acts, by moments. We released Epílogo first. So we will be - in the next days - ready to release another important part of it".
"In the next days", says André...So, keep tuned! This will be around you soon!
I am waiting with great anticipation for the continuation of this wonderful epic :-)
that's cool
Thank you, Diana! We are very excited about it! ;-)
Thanks, MW, for being here and giving to us your gentle comment! Peace! :-)
Thanks,..!! Nice info!
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