The bard is born...

According to the old traditions, the bard will always be reborn on Earth when it needs balance. Through music and enchantment, he evokes ancient powers capable of restorig the Nature. Legendary prophecies say that he will reappear in times of big disasters and great confusion. Then, he will count with an harp whose strings are made of light. With this magical instrument, the bard will make sound the Song of the Spheres. At the gleam of the Sun's Summer/Winter Solstice of 2008, the bard had born again. The human kind will have another chance to defend Gaia, the Earth...The Great Mother of us all!


RA said...

Beautiful photos, beautiful words, and inspiring music! May we all become restless defenders of Gaia, our beloved Mother Earth...

Best Wishes :).

The Hi-Brazilian Blogger said...

Hi, Joannah, Nice to meet you! Tks for your visit here, you are always welcome!