The Song of the Spheres

Good morning! Now that a new Spring is coming rainy and freezing here, at South Hemisphere, we have the pleasure to announce HI-BRAZIL is working at a new musical and literary epic, called A Canção das Esferas (Song of the Spheres is the english title suggested...). The first volume of the story will be released soon, and it tells about a boy, a harp, his love for the Earth and his courage to change the world. HI-BRAZIL is finishing the mastering of the first album, that will be released together with the book.

"Andre and I started to write the book and the tunes of the soundtrack about three years ago", explains Mauricio, from HI-BRAZIL. "But in an organic way, you know? Sometimes the story appeared first, sometimes the melodies of the tunes. Like an incredible puzzle of literary phrases and musical notes. And only now we could fix all the pieces of this first volume. And we are preparing the enchantment that will bring this magic to you".

The first volume of this saga - The Bard and the Lady of Ice, features our hero, Thales ,a 12 years old boy, and his mission to find and make sound seven special notes of this ethereal song, that are hidden in seven different places of the planet, protected by seven powerful guardians. This is the only way to stop Kroll, the terrible Monster of Silence, that is convincing humanity, through the art of illusion, that the music of whole Nature must be silenced until the total emptiness. What means the end for all living beings, including humans. For this challenge, he counts with the help of fantastic beings and good new friends, that will teach him about Nature and its mysteries.

"For many centuries we were conditioned to live out of Nature, although we are indissoluble part of it. Thales is an urban boy, like millions of others, that are somewhere, around the globe, living in little apartments, going to school, doing sports, playing guitar... a typical child that you and I were too, in some point of our lives, with all that curiosity, intuition and sincerity. A moment in your life when your neurons can act more on the right side of the brain, giving you a lack of extra creative power...But, with the time, tutored by the modern educational systems, we learnt that we have to stop dreaming, we have to be put in some place that others choose for us, and then work for them and make money to pay taxes. So, I could tell you that I believe humans are forgetting this wonderful capacity of being natural. But, in some way, it's still there inside...like the notes of the Song of the Spheres".


A Canção das Esferas will be released under a Creative Commons license, what means you'll can read, listen, discuss, borough, offer as a gift for your beloved ones, or everything that don't include profit on it. The collaborative spirit surrounds the intention of this piece and the list of collaborators is growing.

Stay tuned! Soon we'll post fresh news about this project.

A happy Spring for the "Southers" and a beautiful Autumn for the "Northers"...


ANNA-LYS said...

I love the English title suggestion!
Here in Sweden we have just entered the autumn and coldness ... and here You are talking about springtime :-)

Good Luck!!!!

a Norther :-)

The Hi-Brazilian Blogger said...

Tks, Anna! your comment is more than welcome! This climate division is wonderful, isn't it? We are all spinning around our galaxy, but there's always a division line between the two hemispheres of the globe...and this duality is what puts me to think: maybe isn't time to unite them in one big whole thing?

With love,

Mauricio, the Souther


ANNA-LYS said...

Hi Mauricio,

United we are :-)

(( hug ))

Anonymous said...

Hi Mauricio,...

i like Kaka...

ANNA-LYS said...

________________I Have
_______________Come Here
______________To Wish You
_____________Merry Christmas
____________And Also, A Happy
___________New Year To You For
__________2009... I Hope The New
_________Year Brings You Loads Of
________Happiness And Good Health.
______I Hope You Have A Nice Day On
_____Christmas Day, Filled With Lots Of
____Family Time.....And Of Course Eating
___Lots Of Nice Foods, And Candies. I Hope
__That Santa Is Good To You As Well And He
.Brings You Lots Of Presents On Christmas Day