Epílogo: @DrRemy new neuromix available

Hello, friends. The last HI-BRAZIL music video, Epílogo, called the attention of DJ @DrRemy, that made a good remix of it with the Shakira's "Loba" latest song.

"This #WeeklyMusicCelebration remix set is a collaboration from a Brazilian music producer, Mauricio Businari (also known as @Businari on twitter). His piece calls HI BRAZIL - Epilogo (Epilogue). I started Businari's piece of our set with a Hand of Maiden with her breathe and pulses (as a form of heart beats) which represent Femininity's Nature and Temperament. I remix the set with a Bass Guitar and various drums (using in ritual drum circle and spiritual dance through out our planet) as keeper of the temporal or timing to the music. The down beat is at 129 beats per minute (BPM) for the purpose to organically invoke the body movement ~ dancing ~ in keeping it light with a touch of amusement and joy", as she explains in her BLOG.

HI BRAZIL Epilogue: Earth is A Sacred Femininity: Understanding as Pulse of The Universe, Galaxies and Beyond by DjDocREMY

Enjoy it!


Epilogue: collaboration of artists from various countries announces second volume of The Song of the Spheres

New video from HI-BRAZIL counts with the participation of 51 artists from 15 countries

"On a mountain, a strong wind begins to blow, announcing major changes. The body trembles, the mouth opens wide and the words start a panoramic flying over the waters of the unconsciousness. Images appear in heaven, They are spread in shades of white and blue while the message is ongoing. incisor, as an infallible arrow that made its plumb in patches of sun that the darkest clouds let go through ...".

This is the argument of Epilogue, the new HI-BRAZIL video. Produced for the release of the second volume of the saga A Song of the Spheres, the video consists of images from Nature, captured by the trio of artists and collaborators who also use Creative Commons licenses to release their work. The 666 rmx guys, that are helping again HI-BRAZIL staff to bring Epílogo (Epilogue) to you, used images of 51 artists from 15 countries, including Brazil, United States, South Korea, Iceland and Japan.

The second volume of the epic, Urda, the Elder from the Sands of Time, will be launched in 2010. For the soundtrack, there will be new collaborations, which will make
Thales's journey in search of the seven notes of the Song of the Spheres even more sensational. May Kroll does not see that ... otherwise, the Earth would be able to resist to his thirst for destruction?

If you have not read or heard The Song of the Spheres, both the book and the full album with the soundtrack are available for download at HI-BRAZIL site. The downloads are free and you can share all files with anyone you want. On the site, you can also print and assemble the album cover, if you desire. Just click on the icons.

Epílogo (Epilogue)

Wind, whirlwind, hurricane
Magma, lava, volcano's ashes
Rain, waterfall, floods
The whole Earth shakes in upheaval

Sugar cane, gold, mining, extraction
Dead forests, drought in whole ground
Will bring forth the nation's hunger
Disintegrating life in profusion

Sound the trumpets of emotion
Fear in sight, do risk your reason
Your way out is to open your heart
Make sound the notes of the song

Words come out of the mouth toward
Mob, uncontrollable confusion
And comes a woman over the dragon
Bringing the freedom in her hands

Below is the list of contributors to the Epilogue, which we appreciate immensely.

Aaron Campbell (USA)

Aaron Tait (USA)

Aaron Kraus (USA)

Langage Andy (USA)

angelicalbite (USA)

Arthur Soares (BRA)

Billy Bob Bain (USA)

Brian Pittman (USA)

Bruce McAdam (ISL)

Chris Flynn (USA)

David Táboas (SPA)

Eric Miraglia (USA)

Fabian Heusser (SWI)

Fredrik Lindström (SWE)
Fraktus (BEL)

Jackson Latka (USA)

Jeff Milner (CAN)

Jeremy Hall (USA)

Jim Weber (USA)

Johnny Ouyang (Taiwan)

John Watson (ENG)

Louis Vest (USA)

Marcus Böckmann (GER)

Matt (ENG)

Mor (ISR)

Neil Wykes (SCO)

Per (Color Line) (USA)

0P_timus (USA)

Pat Joyce (Great Britain)

Patrick徐同学☁ ☀ ☁ (JAP)

Patrick Lewis (USA)

Peter Alfred Hess (USA)

Peter Barvoets (ENG)

pinkishkaty (USA)

R. Jackson (USA)

Robert Stern (USA)

Ryan Glenn (CAN)

Ryan O'Hara (USA)

Ryan Vettese (CAN)

Sacred Destinations (USA)

sageori (KOR)

sfmine79 (TAI)

Cobucci Stefano (ITA)

Tim Reid (USA)

Tor Even Mathisen (NOR)

turbo.beagle (USA)

Tyler Karaszewski (USA)

USFS Region (USA)

Wayne MacPhail (CAN)

yellowcloud (GER)

Zascod (USA)

License for videos:


License for the audio:
