Good day!
The release of Maghma music video, at brazilian indians day (celebrated seven days ago), was marked by the april, 22 São Vicente earthquake. The april, 22 is a very important date in our country. In 1500, at the same date, the portuguese caravels had come to Brazil. Bringing to the indians all sort of addictions, plagues, diseases and wounds made by fire guns. And to the Earth, big, big scars made by precious stones and gold mining. And, by the other side, bringing to the "discovered" savage lands of Brazil some progress and very comfortable stuff for most of civilized humans, like religion, electricity, cars and pollution. Nowadays the Atlantic Forest, one of the most beautiful and diverse of our hemisphere, is practically dead. Remains less than 3% from entire vegetation and fauna. Many mountains of São Paulo south coast are covered by banana trees. There's no native vegetation anymore. And the natives... well, they are almost totally dead, too. The federal government made the lands demarcation for some tribes but the business men want to take it all! Killing the indians and putting down the trees to plant sugar canes, soybeans and grass for the cows...May this earthquake can be a signal to make us stop for a moment and think about it. We are very solidary to the people injured during this natural event and would like to say that is still hope...if we'd really believe that we can change the world!