Salman Ahmad was a founding member of Junoon, a South Asian Band. Salman was appointed U.N. Goodwill Ambassador for HIV/AIDS. He personalized the "I Care, Do You?" U.N. poster campaign in Pakistan by taking the well-know verse of the Koran about reverence for human life and paraphrasing it to say: "Saving one life (from Aids) is like saving the whole of humanity". He is a doctor by graduation, but he decided "to give up his sthetoscope and pick up his guitar", like said this presentation at ccMixter.
Still about ccMixter, Salman released a contest for remixes of the Natchoongi song. And one of our featured artists, Maurício Businari, is taking part of it. Hear the mp3 archive:
Do you want to produce your own remix? There's still time...the competition goes on until next day 31. More informations at ccMixter, where you can listen to all remixes from participants.
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